So a Commander Jeffrey Gordon, a former navy press spokesman, has filed a sexual harassment complaint with the Miami Herald about some comments he alleges were made by one of their reporters, Carol Rosenberg. There's a story about it in the post
here and you can see the original letter
here. Now I have doubts about whether he's telling the truth. Gordon was a press spokesman for the navy whose main job was spinning Guantanamo to the press, and Rosenberg filed a number of negative stories about the place. So it's pretty easy to imagine that Gordon wants to get even with her and undermine her credibility.
Assuming he's telling the truth though, the comments that seem to have upset the commander most were the one's where Rosenberg implied that he is gay. Now as another reporter pointed out it's hard to imagine that a sailor isn't used to well sailor talk; I'd add that it's hard to imagine that no one's ever implied he's gay before. I suppose it's possible he doesn't know much about Churchill and his
wit and wisdom but it's harder to imagine that he missed out on this little
disco gem or has never encountered a member of the army or marines (variations on the "all navy men are gay" is a favorite subject of fun in both those branches I'm told).
Anyway apparently the utter hypocrisy of his complaint has never dawned on Cmdr. Gordon. Remember that a big part of the fun and games that went on at Guantanamo and elsewhere under the name of "enhanced interrogation techniques" was
routine sexual humiliation of the detainees. When we were kids I'd wager most of us were told after doing some nasty thing or other, "How would you like it if somebody did that to you?" Well Gordon got just a little taste of what the detainees have went through and he does not seem to like it very much at all. I suppose that one would not expect a flack like Gordon to have much of a sense for hypocrisy-- it's pretty much a disqualification for the job after all-- but I hope it doesn't escape the rest of us.
(He does whine that "He's been abused worse than any detainee," though I don't see any references to Rosenberg setting on him with dogs, waterboarding him, or actually sodomizing him in the complaint.)