First it was death commissions (or even death squads). Then it was the administration trying to create a vast blacklist from the e-mail addresses of those who receive government healthcare. Now the Republicans have gone full circle and are opposing policies that THEY suggested.
When will the madness stop?

When will the madness stop?
A lot of the research in that story seems a little bassackwards causally. If the program is voluntary, I imagine that parents who have their sh!t together already will be the ones to welcome (and seek) further support. It's like the debate about whether good grades get the parents involved or parental involvement improves grades.
ReplyDeleteWhen will the madness stop? No idea. I have the feeling that many republican supporters would like to have democrats banned from the country (and the feeling is at least a little mutual). It seems like they want a one-party state to guarantee republican governance in perpetuity, which is strange because I thought preventing such outcomes were a big reason for so many of them to have so many guns. Shows what I know.